Ethics and Supervision:
The Trauma Of It
What are ethical considerations around trauma treatment and care? What does it mean to be trauma informed? How much do I need to know and understand about trauma to be treating it? In this workshop, we will explore the ethical issues and considerations, best practice standards and competencies around the treatment of trauma. And what Supervision? What does a trauma informed supervisor look like? Do I know enough about trauma to supervise individuals who are treating trauma? Am I providing a trauma informed environment for my supervisee? What are the considerations, best practice standards, and competencies of a trauma informed supervisor? In the second part of this workshop we will explore the trauma informed model and approached to supervision. 
Live In-Person Event April 25, 2025
Attend morning session (8:30am - 12:00pm) for Ethics - 3 CEs for $50.00
Attended afternoon session (1:00pm - 4:30pm) for Supervision - 3 CEs for $50.00
Location: Blue Star Counseling & Wellness
3008 State Route 5, Suite B&C
Cortland, Ohio 44410
For detailed information on this course click here
To register click here
Home Study Course Coming Soon!
​**6 CE Credits (3 for each session) approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapist Board. #RCST032001
*** Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Amber Stiles-Bodnar maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
****Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting has been approved by National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7170. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Lunch & Learn events are back!
Fridays from 12:00pm - 1:00pm EST
Live Virtual Online via Zoom
Click Title for Further Information
(Course Description, Timed Outline/Agenda, Goals/Objectives)
2/7/2025 The Enneagram and EMDR Therapy
Presenter Amber Stiles-Bodnar
Guest Speaker Abigail Morgan​
2/14/2025 EMDR Therapy with Disordered Eating
Presenter Amber Stiles-Bodnar
Guest Speaker Libby McHugh
2/21/2025 EMDR with Perinatal Focus
Presenter Amber Stiles-Bodnar
Guest Speaker Libby McHugh
2/28/2025 Ethical Integration of Spirituality in EMDR Therapy
Presenter Amber Stiles-Bodnar
Guest Speaker Leah Fogt
3/14/2025 Parts Work, EMDR, and the 8-Phases
Presenter Amber Stiles-Bodnar
Guest Speaker Renee Pitts
3/28/2025 EMDR with Polyvagal Theory
Presenter Amber Stiles-Bodnar
Guest Speaker Dru Perren
Courses are $10 each - Register here
Click Title for Further Information
​**1 CE Credits approved by the Ohio Counselor, Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapist Board. #RCST032001
***This program is open to clinicians who are at least partially trained in EMDR Therapy. It is recommended that you complete the full EMDR basic training and have experience in using EMDR with this client population before using this material. Eligibility for EMDRIA Credits is restricted to those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training. Attendees who are partially trained in EMDR are not eligible to receive EMDRIA Credits. This program is approved for 1 Continuing Education Credit (per one hour course) through EMDRIA for those fully trained in EMDR Therapy. EC Program Approval Number: In order of date- #20002-11 - #20002-12 - #20002-13 - #20002-14 - #20002-15 - #20002-16
*** Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Amber Stiles-Bodnar maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
****Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting has been approved by National Board of Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7170. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Amber Stiles-Bodnar Consulting is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
Home study option coming soon!
Bring Amber to You!
Are you interested in bring Amber to your town or organization? Amber is available to provide specialized topic trainings to agencies and organization both in person and online. As an EMDRIA-approved EMDR Therapy provider, she is also able to bring the EMDR foundational training series to you. Please contact Amber to explore options.
Cancellation Policy for EMDR Advanced Topic Courses & Other Trainings.
If you need to cancel and we receive your cancellation in writing (email is fine) two weeks prior to the training, you are eligible for a full refund, less a $15.00 administrative processing fee. Cancellations of less than two weeks of the training or no-show, you are not eligible for a refund of any kind unless documentation of medical or similar emergencies can be provided within one week after the training ends. If you terminate your training or need to leave early for any reason, you are not eligible for a refund. Attendance at the entire training is required for our program to remain compliant with EMDRIA standards and the state board.
In the case of inclement weather or other reasons, should we cancel the training, your registration would simply be moved to our reschedule date. If the reschedule date isn't available for you we can offer you another date or entertain your request for a refund. If you decide to cancel your trip due to weather or other concerns and we are still having the training, you are not entitled to a refund. All other situations handled on a case-by-case basis.
All refunds will be less a $15.00 administrative processing fee.
Please see us with any questions on this policy.
​For our complaint procedure please click here.